
Love your people.

Whoever they are — family or friends. Tell them. Show them. Be there for them. Totally present. Not on your phone or getting jobs done.

Be with them… listen, ask, smile, laugh.

Delight in the gorgeousness of their company.

Love your life.

We often let the tough times, the bad days, the moments of frustration overshadow the wonder of our days.

And they are wonderful.

But it’s often the simple things that we forget to notice. The little moments that get lost amongst the moments we think are more important. We might miss a smile on a child’s face, the sunrise, the birdsong, the laughter, the eye contact, the hug, the stillness, the breeze across our skin, the message from somebody who loves us, all because we’re too busy getting things done.

Slow down. Breathe it in. Be here now.

Love yourself.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t let that inner voice tell you you’re not good enough or you need to do better.

Focus on everything you are — all the beautiful things about you. Let go of the mistakes, the guilt, the shame and know that you are doing your best.

Be kind to yourself and give yourself some time and space today.

Key message: Let more love into your life.